Now in 60fps!

Robo Panic is now in 60fps!

After a long hiatus from this project I finally had the time to revisit it. The biggest upgrade I knew this project needed was a jump from 30fps to 60fps. The changes are huge, no longer will your eyes strain from watching stuttering pixels. The process was quite tedious as almost every aspect of the game had to be tweaked to work with the new frame rate. I also added a lot of changes to the game to make it more enjoyable.

Change Log:

  • Whole game runs on 60fps!
  • A mini map was added to help you know what is off screen. 
  • Tweaks to the old power up system, astronauts can now drop sub weapons when saved!
  • New powerup! Infinite sub weapon ammo.
  • Grounded enemies now have more hp.
  • Total rework of most sound effects. 
  • Double tap dash was removed. 
  • High scores now save to the cart!

Future plans are to either commission a musician for some tunes, find some free use music that matches or make some on my own. Also if there is enough interest I was thinking of releasing the pico8 cart and exe files for paid download. Let me know if you would be interested in that.

I hope you give the game another play!

Thanks, BBB.


Robo Panic Pico8 Cart 30FPS 40 kB
Jul 02, 2024
Robo Panic Play in browser
60 days ago

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